
Mercy Social Welfare Centre- Mercy Home Chethipuzha is registered under the Travancore- Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955.
General body is the highest decision making body of this Society. The board is selected its members in democratic selection process. They include president, vice president, secretrary-cum tresurer and 7 other members. General body meeting is conducted once in every year regularly as well in special need arises.  Set of agenda will be discussed in this meeting.
          Governing body members will also be elected for the smooth functioning of the institution.The govering body meeting is conducted in every three months, to discuss about various needs of the institution. The agenda is circulated earlier to the members. According to this agenda discussion will be carried out. Policies and strategic plans are constituted by this governing body.
The chief functionary of the organization at present is Sr. Archana S.D, the director of Mercy Home. Under the director there are warden, nurse, mess manager, therapists, counselor, social worker, aya, cooks, driver etc. are working here as full / part time staff..

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News & Events

  • SPARSHAM-camp

    MRT child development centre,changanacherry organizing free Early detection camp at Kudamaloor on 27th saturday from 9 a.m.

  • Feast celebration of principal

    MRT institute celebrate "Feast Day" of Principal Rev.Sr.Ann Jose.

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